-- tables are general container can be indexed by anything (numbers,
-- tables, strings, functions...)
local function blah()
tab[blah] = blubb
tab.name = blubb -- is same as
tab["name"] = blubb
-- tables are always passed as "pointers/references" never copied
-- array index starts with 1 !!
-- they become garbage collected when not referenced anymore
pos = {1,2,3}
a = { pos = pos }
pos[3] = 4
pos = {1,1,1} -- overwrites local variable pos
a.pos[3] -- is still 4
--[[ multiline
comment ]]
blah = [==[ multiline string and comment
can use multiple = for bracketing to nest ]==]
--- multiple return values allow easy swapping
a,b = b,a
-- object oriented stuff
-- : operator passes first arg
a.func(a,blah) -- is same as
-- metatables allow to index class tables
myclass = {}
myclassmeta = {__index = myclass}
function myclass:func()
self --automatic variable through : definiton for the first
--arg passed to func
-- above is equivalent to
myclass.func = function (self)
object = {}
object:func() -- is now same as
-- until func gets specialized per object
function object:func()
-- lua will look up first in the object table, then in the metatable
-- it will ony write to the object table
--- upvalues for function specialization
function func(obj)
return function ()
return obj * 2
a = func(1)
b = func(2)
a() -- returns 2
b() -- returns 4
--- non passed function arguments become nil automatically
function func (a,b)
return a,b
a,b = func(1) -- b is "nil"
--- variable args
function func(...)
local a,b = ...
--- a,b would be first two args
--- you can also put args in a table
local t = {...}
--- conditional assignment chaining
--- 0 is not "false", only "false" or "nil" are
a = 0
b = a or 1 -- b is 0, if a was false/nil it would be 1
c = (a == 0) and b or 2 -- c is 0 (b's value)
-- the first time a value is "valid" (non-false/nil) that value is taken
-- that way you can do default values
function func(a,b)
a = a or 1
b = b or 1
--- sandboxing
function sandboxedfunc()
-- after setfenv below we can only call what is enabled in the enviroment
-- so in the example below doing stuff like io.open wouldn't work here
-- blubb becomes created in the current enviornment
blubb = doit()
local enva = {
doit = function () return 1 end
local envb = {
doit = function () return 2 end
--enva.blubb is now 1
--envb.blubb is now 2
-- sandboxedfunc could also come from a file, which makes creating fileformats
-- quite easy, as they can internally be lua code
--- functions without () and function chaining
-- to make ini/config files quite easy, lua allows omitting () for function
-- calls when the argument is either a string or a table
function testfunc( a )
-- valid calls to above function
testfunc "blah"
testfunc {1,2,3}
-- we can even expand this to create fileformat like structures
function group( name)
return function (content)
local grp = {
name = name,
content = content,
return grp
local grp = group "test" {1,3,5}
-- equvialent to: group("test")({1,3,5})
-- grp.content[2] = would be 3
-- could also build a hierarchy
local grp = group "root" {
group "child a" {},
group "child b" {},
-- grp.content[1].name would be "child a"
Friday, September 9, 2011
mini lua primer
Saturday, January 1, 2011
estrela as shader editor
Recently doing more work with Lua and Cg/GLSL again, hence added a couple features to estrela editor.
Lua wise I had added some experimental type-guessing mostly meant to aid auto-completion for luxinia classes. Also the lua-apis that get loaded can now be specified by interpreter, so that no luxinia functions get suggested when you are using a "normal" lua interpreter. Getting useful auto-completion and api help is still a big task so. Especially getting user created functions/classes in somehow would be great. Maybe a static tool that generates files from a lua project or so.
Most problems with "dynamic" text analysis was that when the user edits old stuff, you have to also somehow check whether keywords were changed, added, removed... hence I kinda avoid that complexity yet. I'd rather prefer a static solution that the user triggers, that way it's hopefully simpler and more robust.
Another focus lately was the Cg tool. I've added support for nvShaderPerf and an ARB/NV program beautifier (indenting branches/flow, and inserting comments as to which constants map to what variable). That makes it a bit easier to see what stuff triggers branching and so on.
I've also added automatic setting of GLSL input flag for cgc and some automatic defines such as "_VERTEX_"... so that one can use #ifdef _VERTEX_ and still have all GLSL shader code in one file. A GLSL spec and api description is now also part of estrela. I took the nice opengl 4.1 quick reference card as base. So much for now.
Still haven't found time to push the open-sourcing of luxinia further and add GLSL shader management (but will require ARB_separate_shader) to it for PhD work. But anyway new year now ;)
Lua wise I had added some experimental type-guessing mostly meant to aid auto-completion for luxinia classes. Also the lua-apis that get loaded can now be specified by interpreter, so that no luxinia functions get suggested when you are using a "normal" lua interpreter. Getting useful auto-completion and api help is still a big task so. Especially getting user created functions/classes in somehow would be great. Maybe a static tool that generates files from a lua project or so.
Most problems with "dynamic" text analysis was that when the user edits old stuff, you have to also somehow check whether keywords were changed, added, removed... hence I kinda avoid that complexity yet. I'd rather prefer a static solution that the user triggers, that way it's hopefully simpler and more robust.
Another focus lately was the Cg tool. I've added support for nvShaderPerf and an ARB/NV program beautifier (indenting branches/flow, and inserting comments as to which constants map to what variable). That makes it a bit easier to see what stuff triggers branching and so on.
I've also added automatic setting of GLSL input flag for cgc and some automatic defines such as "_VERTEX_"... so that one can use #ifdef _VERTEX_ and still have all GLSL shader code in one file. A GLSL spec and api description is now also part of estrela. I took the nice opengl 4.1 quick reference card as base. So much for now.
Still haven't found time to push the open-sourcing of luxinia further and add GLSL shader management (but will require ARB_separate_shader) to it for PhD work. But anyway new year now ;)